February 23, 2015 bee. 0 Comments

So remember my Buttons dance MV? Well, here is my next choreography I made for the theater production, Lysistrata, we performed this dance also! Watch the video for some sexy entertainment & read on for more about this dance ^^

HCDC x CLUB LOLLIPOP | NICKI MINAJ WHIP IT MV ~ @beekyoote uploaded by kyoote.

     Lysistrata, once again, is a play about war & a lot of sex! In the end, all is well... making this our finale. I like how this puts you in a festive mood, and like in the play, we were celebrating at the end! This was supposedly filmed with 10+ people, as 10+ people performed this in the actual show dates, but most of them were unavailable to film this performance (no cameras allowed during the show). We changed up parts of it to fill up the void and I think we managed well, like we always do. Thank goodness we are flexible in that manner! Also, check out the timing of publishing this video... have you watched 50 Shades of Grey yet???! Gotta love them whips! TEEHEE.

Whip It by Nicki Minaj

Choreography by: 
Andrea "Bee" Luzada (ME!)

Bee, Gabby, Mari, Jimmy & Dioselene
HCDC x Club Lollipop  

Hartnell College Studio Theater

Date Filmed:
December 19, 2014

Watch more of my dances:

Thanks for reading!

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