J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 |
So this is how my day at J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 in San Francisco went!
Club Lollipop @ the ODOTTEMITA Dance Contest
Japan Town Peace Plaza, San Francisco
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Club Lollipop @ the ODOTTEMITA Dance Contest |
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Club Lollipop @ the ODOTTEMITA Dance Contest |
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Club Lollipop @ the ODOTTEMITA Dance Contest |
On stage, captured by my older sis!
I'm proud of the fact that despite my dancers being newbies in anything related to dance, performing and most especially competing that we made it to the top! I'm glad I shared this moment with such hard working girls <3 p="">
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Club Lollipop @ the ODOTTEMITA Dance Contest |
I took pictures when we were on stage for the announcements.
This was the crowd we performed for along with our judges, Tokyo Girls' Style.
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Club Lollipop x Tokyo Girls' Style @ the ODOTTEMITA Dance Contest |
From girl group to girl group? Yes!
We gave them Gabby's cookies and they were so nice to have our picture taken together!
They're so sweet!
here for more on our dance experience!
Daichi | Merry Project | Tokyo Girls' Style | May'n
Union Square, San Francisco
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Daichi |
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Merry Project |
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Tokyo Girls' Style |
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | Tokyo Girls' Style |
J-Pop Summit Festival 2014 DAY 1 | May'n |
I may have not captured Itano Tomomi in picture, but I have videos of her. And if you watch it, it may sound like a pig dying/wailing! haha! I'm such a fan of Tomochin! I can't believe I saw her with my own eyes and finally heard her perform live! Wahhh! Fan girl feels! But anyways, everyone was awesome performing! Tokyo Girls' Style are so cute and fresh. They dance really well, too! I'm so glad I met them! :3
Thanks for the love! <3