Fashion Fridays: Weekly Inspirations # 5

July 24, 2015 bee. 0 Comments


I love the stripes! Plus, it's a two-piece set.

The dress is so sexy! Plus, the boots are killer.

So fierce & swag.

I always wanted a two-piece set like this. So simple, yet elegant and sexy all at the same time.

Her outfit makes me want to say "Ooh la la!".  I would so want  to wear this when I'm on vacation!

Kris is definitely setting the standard of what my significant other should dress like (and maybe look like!).

I know I haven't done a post like this for so long. But if you're new to this, these are the top fashion picks from my Instagram "liked" feed. You can follow me on there (@beekyoote) to see updates on myself and see the many things I like. 

Thanks for reading!

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