Travel Tuesdays: Carmel Beach with Fairy Ladies.

April 23, 2013 bee. 0 Comments

Weeks ago, my little sister needed to have some filming done for a contest by the sea. Our choice? The beautiful Carmel Beach! At the same time, we were in need of bonding time with our new buddies from the Puck'd play! We've stuck together until the name Fairy Ladies sunk in. We even did the talent show together as I posted in my last post. Anyways, it was a really fun and refreshing day with pizza & smores!  By the way, I am wearing white shorts paired with my Mr. Aquinian shirt I got from my Alma Matter, Aquinas University of Legazpi. The Ms. Aquinian shirts were too small for my taste. LOL.

And oh, the last thing we did before leaving is dance out Fairy-Raver Dance!
Check it out!
Yup, we did this while there were a lot of people (not shown) around!
And my little cousin Kat-Kat was holding the music for us while we danced.. I had to put music over it for the video since the waves were too loud!

I'll share with you all the project my little sis and I worked on that day soon!
Anyways, I'm hoping this new found friendship will last... please! HAHA.
Thanks for reading!

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